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Harvest Time

Now all the adopted Strays have safely begun their journeys to meet their new families, the shelter's keepers can enjoy some time off until new foundlings are brought in 😊

Here in Holland we don't really 'do' Halloween or have a "Trick-Or-Treat" tradition, but the girls love October not any less.
Today they traveled to their orchard in the woods to pick the last few apples, collect fresh herbs, and of course harvest some fat pumpkins. There's going to be lots of pie baking and sipping hot chocolate in the dark and chilly evenings to come! 🥧 ☕

And when the wind is howling and the rain lashing down, it's a perfect setting to tell each other scary stories or to just dream away in front of a crackling fire in the fireplace 🔥

< Zolala! Blog

Zolala! Blog

Mostly musings and meanderings about my work as a seamstress and miniaturist, with all of the joy and struggle that comes with it.


My name is Zo, and I'm endlessly fascinated with all things small: dolls, animals, miniatures, dioramas..
I feel very fortunate to be able to combine them all in my work!
Sewing doll clothes and bringing little critters to life allows me to do what I love every day - and connects me with some really amazing people all over the world.

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