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New beginnings

After all the enjoyable rush and excitement of the holidays - comes the cold shower that is January to me: a grim and gloomy month wherein literally nothing seems to happen, with nothing to look forward to. I always feel like I've fallen into a dark pit, and it drags on like forever!
Nothing noteworthy has come out of my hands last month. Some business paperwork, taking inventory, ordering supplies, some drawing, lots of reading..

So when I finally woke up from my creative hibernation this week and inspiration hit, my first creation for 2020 became this quite symbolic snail 😂
But he taught me that even when you go slow, you are still moving ahead 😊 His name is Simon, and he is delighted to kick off (figuratively spoken) this year's new bunch of Vagabond Strays!

< Zolala! Blog

Zolala! Blog

Mostly musings and meanderings about my work as a seamstress and miniaturist, with all of the joy and struggle that comes with it.


My name is Zo, and I'm endlessly fascinated with all things small: dolls, animals, miniatures, dioramas..
I feel very fortunate to be able to combine them all in my work!
Sewing doll clothes and bringing little critters to life allows me to do what I love every day - and connects me with some really amazing people all over the world.

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